Inspiring the Next Generation of Female Execs: A Journey of Personal Growth and Empowerment with Kim Randall

Written by Valiski Bernard

Kim Randall

In a world where career progression is often met with obstacles, Kim Randall shines as a symbol of empowerment for women. As the leader of Admissions and Recruitment for the Executive MBA program at the Ivey Business School, Kim has made it her mission to encourage women to take the leap of faith and pursue higher education despite the obstacles that may stand in their way. Kim recognizes the specific challenges that women face when considering higher education. She gains wisdom from both personal experiences and discussions with other women, recognizing these challenges as opportunities for growth.

Kim embodies a blend of determination and resilience. Her journey is not just about professional milestones; it’s also about conquering personal challenges. Imagine this: at the age of 35, Kim completed the IRONMAN Mont Tremblant! Her grit and unwavering spirit exemplify what women can achieve when they break free from limitations. Kim carries this same tenacity into her work, urging women to embrace education as a catalyst for transformation.

In this week's blog post, Kim shares her insights and experiences, encouraging women who may be hesitant to take the next step in their educational journey. She reminds us that education is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about unlocking potential and achieving personal and professional fulfillment. Join us as we delve into Kim Randall's journey and discover how she is inspiring women to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams through higher education.

Empowering Women: Transforming Lives Through Education

In her role leading Admissions and Recruitment for the Executive MBA program at Ivey Business School, Kim is making a profound impact on the next generation of female executives. With a career rooted in Higher Education, she has dedicated herself to forging meaningful partnerships, innovating outreach, and supporting students in aligning their educational pursuits with their goals and values. Joining Ivey in 2021 felt like a natural progression, but Kim didn't anticipate the immense excitement and fulfillment this role would bring. Day by day, conversation after conversation, she finds herself invigorated by the passion and drive of Ivey's EMBA candidates. Upon joining Ivey, Kim recognized a priority: increasing the number of women in the program.

“When I joined Ivey, I learned that increasing the number of women in the program was a priority. Equipped with this knowledge, I started considering what was holding women back from investing in themselves. Over time, I noticed that many of the women I was speaking to shared common obstacles – career breaks for maternity leaves that had stunted their career advancement while simultaneously making them feel underqualified for the EMBA; a disproportionate amount of responsibility at home; impostor syndrome and questions about whether they should be investing the time and money into an Executive MBA versus their family, their homes, etc. I recognized many of these challenges because I’ve experienced them myself. So, I went out seeking feedback from alumni, particularly women. And what I learned is that the Ivey Executive MBA changed their lives. It provided all graduates, especially women, with confidence they didn’t dream of before joining the program. It equipped women with competencies to drive decisions and impact across their organizations, which led to promotions and opportunities they hadn’t previously considered. And it provided them with a network of kind, supportive and badass women who were there to support them at every turn. In short, it inspired me to connect with women leaders across industries to encourage them to invest in themselves in a way that would change their lives. Education can do that … and I aspire to play a small role in their educational journeys.”

Navigating Early Career Challenges: A Reflection

Embarking on any career journey can be daunting, especially without guidance or mentorship. For Kim, the lack of female role models presented a significant hurdle. Despite quickly securing employment after school, she struggled to grasp the nuances of business language and positioning for advancement. Instead of recognizing her own value, she attributed her success to luck. This mindset hindered her from leveraging her youth, eagerness, ambition, and hard work into future opportunities. Looking back, she realizes the importance of having that support system and exposure to female role models.

“I wish I had had more exposure to women role models to encourage me to negotiate higher salaries, build broader networks, and recognize that I brought something to the table. I’m grateful for that now but wish I had sought that exposure and support 20 years ago!”

Rewarding Moments

Kim finds inspiration in others' success, which she sees as a guiding light on her own path toward empowerment. She shared a special moment with us that has brought her immense joy and remains close to her heart to this day.

“I am so lucky to do the work that I do. In a previous role, I managed international student recruitment for a university and travelled extensively around the world to raise the profile of Canadian higher education and the school I worked for. I remember being in my office one day years ago when I heard someone ask for me at reception. My colleague pointed the young voice in my direction, and soon, there was a knock on my door. There stood a young woman with a big smile on her face whom I had met a year earlier in the Middle East. She was now a full-time student in Toronto, pursuing her dreams. She brought me sweets from her home country and gave me a hug from her parents, noting that they wanted to say hello and thank you. She told me that I changed her life and that of her family. That wasn’t just a career highlight but a life highlight.”

Walking the Talk: Going Back To School

For many women, the decision to return to school for further education can be daunting, but for Kim, it was a transformative step she eagerly embraced. Pursuing her Executive MBA through Ivey, Kim was inspired by the profound personal and professional impact she witnessed the program have on countless women. Eager to expand her skills and experiences, she saw the program as an opportunity to add invaluable tools to her toolbox, including confidence, decision-making skills, cross-enterprise understanding, and a broader professional network. Having spent her career in a higher education bubble, Kim was excited to immerse herself in a diverse group of leaders from various industries. Her advice to women considering a similar path is simple yet powerful: “Just do it.” She emphasizes that there's never a perfect time, and the longer you wait, the longer it will take to reap the rewards. Kim feels fortunate to be part of a class where 59% are women, with each juggling impressive careers with personal commitments, including motherhood.

“I’ve recently begun the Executive MBA program at Ivey, which is both an honour and a thrill. Knowing that Ivey’s leadership team believes in me to pursue this momentous experience motivates me to work hard every day and make them proud. It is my “project” for the next 17 months, to be completed while working full-time and raising my children. It’s been challenging so far, but I believe to my core that nothing worth having comes easy. I think going back to school sends a powerful message to our organizations, our networks, our families, and ourselves that we are invested in ourselves and our potential.”

Chasing Dreams: The Journey to IRONMAN and Beyond

For many, completing an IRONMAN is a monumental achievement that requires dedication, perseverance, and unwavering determination. For Kim, this dream began in the late 1990s while watching the IRONMAN World Championship with her dad. Despite initial skepticism, she held onto her dream, gradually building up her endurance throughout her 20s. However, it was after giving birth to her daughter that she felt the urgency to pursue her dream, realizing that if she wanted to grow her family further, now was the time.

“I completed IronMan Mont Tremblant at the age of 35, shortly after my daughter turned 2. I spent the year before the race training daily, almost always twice a day, while working full-time and raising a toddler. I woke up painfully early and squeezed every minute out of every day. On Saturdays, I would leave the house at 4:30 a.m. to drive out of the city to complete 100+ km rides, returning home in time for an afternoon of family time. On Sundays, I would put her in the running stroller and venture out for 20km+ runs. She became my training buddy. It was a wild time, but arguably the best time. I was so energized by my goal that I bounced out of bed every morning and fell asleep at night excited to see what I could accomplish the next day. I still get chills every time I think about it, and I’d be remiss not to mention that I trained with three of my best friends – two who also raced IMMT(IRONMAN Mont Tremblant) and our friend Todd, who made the daily grind fun, exciting, and deeply special. Since finishing IronMan, I know I am capable of anything. That experience changed me to my core and gave me the confidence to embark on my Executive MBA. The program is challenging, the hours are demanding, and I’m often filled with self-doubt and uncertainty. But I know I can do it. IronMan taught me to believe in myself.”

Time Management: The Ultimate Challenge

For individuals like Kim, who are committed to demanding sports like IRONMAN, the biggest challenge often comes down to a precious resource: time. Balancing a demanding training schedule alongside other responsibilities necessitated effective time management.

“You must be militant with time management. I was lucky to have an amazing coach who mapped out my training program every week. I didn’t have to think about what to do on a given day; instead, my task was fitting it into my schedule. When my alarm went off in the morning, it was “go time.” I knew there wouldn’t be chances later in the day to make up a workout, so I had to stick to the plan. Always.”

Defining Success

“I define success as showing up, giving 100%, and building and maintaining relationships along the way.”

Kim’s definition of success guides her career and personal life. In her professional endeavors, success means consistently showing up with dedication and giving her best effort to all tasks and projects. She also strongly emphasizes building and maintaining relationships, recognizing the value of networking and fostering connections with colleagues, clients, and partners.

Prioritizing Self-Care and Mental Health Through Movement

For Kim, prioritizing self-care and mental health revolves around one key practice: exercise. She acknowledges that building fitness into her daily routine is essential for her overall well-being. Exercise, she describes, is not just a physical activity but a form of self-care that rejuvenates her mind and body. She finds even more joy in activities like running, biking, or swimming when shared with a friend, adding a social element to her self-care routine.

“I caught a horrendous cold recently and didn’t exercise for two weeks. It impacted me more mentally than physically and reminded me that movement is key to everything I do.”

Career Advice for Women in Education

“My advice for women looking to enter a career in education is to recognize that there are endless ways to engage in the industry. Often, when I say that I work in higher education, the first question is, “Are you a professor?”. It’s important to know that there are a wide variety of entry-level, leadership, and executive roles within the sector. And by joining higher education, you have the potential to change someone’s life.”

One Last Nugget About Kim

“I’m always open for coffee chats and love meeting new people. Let’s connect!

I’m an eternal optimist. It's why I’m always late … I always believe I can make it in time.”

As we conclude our exploration of Kim’s remarkable journey, I hope you feel uplifted and inspired to take on any challenge. Kim’s unwavering commitment to empowering women through education is a beacon of hope for all. Her story reminds us that obstacles are stepping stones, and challenges are opportunities for growth. Let her example fuel your aspirations, embolden your dreams, and propel you toward your own path of personal and professional fulfillment. Remember, education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about unlocking potential and shaping a brighter future.

May you take that leap of faith, embrace the journey, and inspire others along the way. Together, we can create a world where every woman’s voice is heard, every dream is realized, and every obstacle becomes a stepping stone toward greatness.