Inspiring Stories: Following Your Passion With Jasmin Bollman

Written by Valiski Bernard

In the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship, Jasmin Bollman's journey demonstrates the power of perseverance, self-discovery, and unwavering determination. She is a writer, marketer, and speaker who loves to tell stories that inspire and connect people. She founded Misfit Marketing Consultancy, a company that helps businesses and brands craft their unique voice and message. Jasmin has a passion for travel, adventure, and learning new things. From her early days crafting magazines in her room to becoming a successful writer and marketing manager, Jasmin's story is a source of inspiration for anyone looking to pursue their dreams.

The Early Years: A Passion for Writing

Jasmin's writing journey began at a young age when she created her own magazines with pencil crayons and a stapler, setting the stage for her future as a writer. Despite facing challenges along the way, including uncertainty and self-doubt, Jasmin never wavered in her pursuit of a career in writing. She attended journalism school in Vancouver, honing her skills and gaining valuable experience that would shape her future career path.

“I always knew I wanted to spend my life writing in some capacity. I attended Journalism school in Vancouver in the early 2000s, but, in the end, I discovered that working in traditional journalism/media was not what I wanted to do for a career. Still, Journalism school taught me valuable research and interview skills that I use to this day.”

Challenges and Triumphs: Starting a Business

Jasmin reflects on a pivotal setback she experienced in her career that ultimately led her to chart a new path. Working in the tech industry before venturing into freelancing, Jasmin was determined to climb the corporate ladder, striving to prove her worth and secure promotions. However, this relentless pursuit took a toll, leaving her feeling burnt out, overworked, and undervalued. It was a profound moment of realization as she grappled with the constraints of the glass ceiling and the toll it took on her well-being. Feeling adrift and disillusioned, Jasmin made a bold decision to redefine her idea of success and pursue a path that aligned with her values and aspirations. This setback served as a catalyst for Jasmin to embark on her entrepreneurial journey, seeking to carve out a career defined by her terms and principles. Of course, changing careers and starting a new business comes with its own set of challenges. For Jasmin, it was the fear of the unknown. Like many entrepreneurs, she jumped into it without a clear plan, hoping to figure it out along the way. Despite the challenges, she persevered, learning valuable lessons and finding support from a network of strong women who believed in her.

“The biggest challenge was that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I jumped into it without a parachute and hoped I would figure it out along the way. While I did figure it out eventually, there were some incredibly hard lessons I had to learn. Namely, it takes a village to make a business work - even a small, freelance-style business. Although I had been freelancing for almost a decade, I had never been truly on my own like I was during those first few years of my business. I started it during the pandemic, so the opportunity to go out and meet other entrepreneurs was not an option. Thankfully, I have had some incredible supporters in my corner throughout my career - all of them women. I could write an essay about how women have picked me up, dusted me off, and given me the strength to go on at every stop along this journey. Without them, I wouldn’t be in the position I am right now.”

After taking the leap of faith to do something different, Jasmin encountered more unique challenges. She found that the autonomy of freelance work was accompanied by a sense of missing out on the creative synergy that comes from being part of a larger team. This void led her to seek opportunities to collaborate with others, ensuring that her projects were part of a collective effort rather than a solitary endeavor. Additionally, Jasmin realised the impact of operating from a scarcity mindset, often accepting projects out of fear of financial instability, even when she knew she didn't have the capacity to take them on. This constant juggling act between creative fulfillment and financial stability is a common challenge for freelancers, highlighting the importance of finding a balance that allows for both professional growth and personal well-being.

Being a writer comes with its own challenges, which Jasmin has faced head-on. She emphasizes the reality of writer's block, a phenomenon that can hinder even the most seasoned writers. Jasmin draws on her experience and insights from Julia Cameron's book, "The Artist's Way," which taught her valuable lessons about the creative process. She learned that creativity can manifest in various forms, and it's perfectly normal to have periods where inspiration seems elusive. Understanding that these "seasons" are part of the creative journey has helped her navigate periods when she isn't actively producing work. This acknowledgment of the ebb and flow of creativity is a crucial aspect of being a writer, highlighting the importance of self-compassion and the need for breaks to recharge and reignite your creative spark.

Rewarding Moments: Making an Impact

One of Jasmin's most rewarding moments was working on the Impact Report for Redwood Classics Apparel, where she helped detail a decade of sustainability efforts. This project was professionally fulfilling and gave her the opportunity to make a positive impact through her work.

“One of the projects I am most proud of is the Impact Report I worked on for Redwood Classics Apparel. This was the first report they had ever released that detailed a decade of their sustainability efforts in action, and it was really important that we get it right. The business is run by Kathy Cheng, one of the women who has always had my back, and to have seen her business grow in this direction over those ten years has been a joy to witness. It was very important to me that I could help her convey all that she and her team have accomplished because it is a remarkable feat for a Canadian-based apparel manufacturer. The report was well received, and we were invited to speak on a podcast together, which made me very proud. Until then, I was used to - and welcomed - being “behind the scenes” and not accepting any accolades for my work. Kathy has always been my champion in that regard, encouraging me to step into the limelight and own my talent.”

In her interviews with women entrepreneurs, Jasmin has observed a common thread of self-underestimation among many, including herself. Despite their remarkable achievements, Jasmin notes that women often downplay their capabilities and hesitate to embrace their accomplishments fully. This tendency to underestimate yourself can be a significant barrier to success, hindering women from recognizing and leveraging their full potential. Through her own experiences and interactions with inspiring women, Jasmin emphasizes the importance of believing in yourself and acknowledging your achievements with pride. She encourages women to seek support and expertise when needed and cultivate self-assurance and confidence in their abilities. Jasmin's insights shed light on the pervasive issue of self-doubt among women entrepreneurs and highlight the transformative power of self-belief in overcoming challenges and achieving success.

Jasmin's definition of success has evolved from external validation to internal fulfillment. She explains that while she once measured success by societal standards such as job titles and others' opinions, she now places greater value on her own self-perception. For Jasmin, success lies in feeling confident and authentic in her identity as an artist and poet, free from self-doubt or external judgment. This shift in perspective highlights the importance of self-acceptance and personal fulfillment as accurate markers of achievement. By redefining success on her own terms, Jasmin emphasizes the significance of inner growth and self-validation in her journey as a creative professional.

Making Mental Well-being and Self-care a Top Priority.

In the midst of our busy lives, it's easy to overlook self-care, dismissing it as a secondary concern. However, neglecting self-care can have serious consequences on our physical, mental, and emotional health. It's essential to prioritize self-care to recharge and rejuvenate, to enable us to tackle life's challenges with renewed energy and resilience. Whether taking a few moments each day for mindfulness, engaging in physical activity, or simply setting aside time for activities that bring joy, self-care is a powerful tool for maintaining balance and enhancing quality of life.

“It takes practice and commitment every single day - and I don’t always get it right! As a recovering “workaholic,” I am still learning to put myself first. I’ve had a few health issues over the last few years that have really driven home that my health - whether it be mental, physical, or emotional - is my top priority. When I take care of myself, I can give my absolute best to my work. Even if you just take a few moments each morning to stretch and meditate, it will make a world of difference in how you feel. I also put on my workout clothes so that it will be easy for me to drop into The Class online (my favourite discovery during the pandemic!) at any time during the day.”

Future Plans: Embracing New Opportunities

Looking to the future, Jasmin has exciting plans and projects in the works. She recently accepted a full-time position as a Marketing Manager with Genumark, a Certified B Corporation in the branded merchandise industry. She also continues to pursue her passion for writing, working on projects like screenplays and essays that showcase her creativity and talent.

“After running my business for several years, I had reached a crossroads. I looked at what I loved about freelancing and what I didn’t, and what I found I missed was the collaboration that comes from being part of a team. I knew that scaling my business back to have a smaller client load was the right thing to do, and I am so happy I did it. I feel re-energized and better able to bring my full self to the projects I take on - and that includes my own projects,  like writing books of poetry, screenplays, and essays that I submit to publications.

I have the bones for my first screenplay ready to be fleshed out, which is very exciting. It’s my first time writing a screenplay, and I can’t wait to experience the process of it. I also am working on a collection of essays that will either be self-published or submitted to periodicals for publication.”

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

“Be open to the experience. Try new things. Don’t be afraid to mess up and fall down because I promise there are people ready to lift you back up again. Most importantly, though, is just go for it. Even if what you start doesn’t work out, at least you tried and learned along the way. Then, you can take what you learned and try something new.”

A Little Nugget About Jasmin

“I am a searcher and am endlessly curious about the world. There’s so much to discover and understand. I want people to remember that there is beauty and wonder out there, waiting for you to find it.”

A Journey of Self-Discovery and Success

Jasmin's story is a testament to the fact that following your passion and having faith in yourself can lead to significant transformations. Her journey serves as a reminder that with determination, resilience, and the courage to step outside your comfort zone, you can achieve anything. It also highlights the importance of finding inner fulfillment and authenticity in your pursuits rather than just seeking external validation, and having a support system can help you navigate through the inevitable moments of self-doubt. To all the dreamers and doers out there, take inspiration from Jasmin's journey and never give up on your passions. Who knows what exciting adventures the future holds?