Pursuing Passions: Magdalena’s Journey, A Photographer's Tale

Written By Valiski Bernard

In the world of creative careers, the path to success is often filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. For Magdalena, a talented photographer based in Canada, the road to fulfilling her dreams was anything but conventional. With a background in fashion design and a burning passion for creativity, Magdalena's journey demonstrates the power of following your heart and embracing change.

Have you ever felt a pull towards something greater, something beyond the confines of convention? Magdalena certainly did. From a young age, she knew that her destiny lay in the realm of creativity, a world where imagination knows no bounds. As you read her story, consider this: What passions lie dormant within you, waiting to be unleashed? What dreams have you put on hold for fear of the unknown? Magdalena's journey serves as a beacon of inspiration, urging you to step boldly into the unknown and pursue your own passions with unwavering determination.

We had the opportunity to interview Magdalena, and we hope that her story can inspire you in your own journey. Whether you're nodding along in agreement or you find a spark of motivation to follow your dreams, let’s dive right in!

A Creative Soul Finds Its Calling


From a young age, Magdalena knew that her calling lay in the world of creativity. At just 13 years old, she set her sights on becoming a fashion designer, driven by a desire to express herself in unconventional ways. After studying fashion design at Ryerson University in Toronto, she embarked on a career in the fashion industry as a private label designer for a manufacturer and designed a women’s clothing line. While this chapter of her life was fulfilling in many ways, she soon realized that her true passion lay elsewhere. Feeling weighed down by the demands of her fashion career, Magdalena made a bold decision to pivot and pursue her love for photography. With a background in fashion and a natural eye for creativity, she quickly found her footing, specializing in fashion editorial, product photography, and portraiture. Despite the challenges of starting anew, Magdalena's leap of faith paid off, leading her to discover a newfound sense of fulfillment and purpose in her work.

‘Although I found it quite rewarding at the time, after several years, I was burned out, and I didn’t feel like that was where I belonged. I felt weighed down by it all. After some soul searching, I made a drastic change and switched careers to photography pretty much overnight. Initially, I started shooting fashion editorials, products, portraits, and interiors. Currently, I focus on portraiture and am delving into more creative areas such as cosmetics and food photography and styling. It’s been close to 19 years now, and I am so glad that I chose to follow my passion because it led to working for myself and building a solid photography career.

I’ve always loved taking pictures. As teenagers in the 90s, my friends and I were constantly taking photos and shooting film. After Ryerson, I briefly worked at a photography retailer, and I met many people who were shooting portraits and fashion. Since I was already immersed in fashion, getting into styling and doing makeup for photoshoots were natural extensions of my creativity. I fell in love with the process - coming up with a concept and trying to recreate what I saw in my mind. I already had the technical knowledge of photography, so making a career change was a calculated move rather than a random one. A move that I made with blind faith and a love for the craft.”

Empowering Through Artistry

Magdalena believes she can empower others through her work. She strives to make people see themselves in a new light and finds fulfillment in positive feedback from clients. Mentoring aspiring photographers is also a way for her to empower others in her industry.

“I’ve connected with many people and made them see themselves in a new light. If I can help someone elevate their own self-image, then I feel that I’ve done my job well. When I receive positive feedback from clients, it is extremely fulfilling. In terms of empowering others, I have mentored a few photographers in the past, and it was a rewarding experience to share what I have learned and give them advice on best practices in my industry.”

Overcoming Challenges: Persistence Pays Off

Like any creative endeavor, Magdalena's photography career has had its fair share of challenges. From financial struggles to the constant evolution of technology and industry trends, she has faced each obstacle head-on, embracing the opportunity to learn and grow along the way. Through it all, her unwavering dedication and passion for her craft have been the driving forces behind her success.

“Challenges are constant when you are freelancing. Initially, I entered the market with a heavy debt from my fashion business. It was difficult to move past that while building another career, one that is tech-heavy and expensive. Secondly, I had to learn all aspects of photography, not just shooting, lighting, and gear, but actually getting clients, making money, and running a business. Now, the challenge is keeping up with the influx of changes in technology, social media, and marketing. I keep learning, it’s the only way to stay current.”

The Rewards of Pursuing Passion

For Magdalena, the most rewarding aspect of her career lies in the connections she’s made and the stories she’s shared. She also considers longevity her greatest achievement so far. Building a business for 19 years in a challenging artistic market like Canada is significant. She also really loves having the freedom to manage her own time.

“So far, my greatest achievement would be longevity. To have built a business of 19 years is quite a feat. Canada is not an easy market for any artistic endeavour. To be honest, my greatest achievements are still in the making. Having built a business is just one aspect. I hope to have many more years of building my greatest achievement.”

“I am grateful that I have met people from so many walks of life. Although I may only spend a short time with each person, I feel enriched by the stories that we share. Another aspect dictates a level of freedom: I love having time for myself. The fact that I don’t have to run to a “job” every day is a favourite reward of working for myself. And yes, my clients are my “bosses,” but I am the overseer of my time and my life.”

Balancing Life and Career

Magdalena has worked hard to get to where she is today. Through her dedication and hard work, she has gained invaluable experience in her field. This experience has given her the privilege of being able to choose the projects she takes on. Magdalena is able to identify the projects that will be the best fit for her skills and interests. This allows her to excel in her work and produce high-quality results. Magdalena's approach to work and life is a great example for others to follow. By prioritizing personal growth, self-care, and work-life balance, she is able to excel in her professional endeavors while also being fulfilled in her personal life.

“Due to the fact that I’ve been in the game for so long, I do have the privilege of choosing which projects I take on. I’m great at scheduling - I give myself time to pursue any personal endeavours, travel or work on personal projects. I do love to work, and I’m a bit of a workaholic, but I do schedule downtime to regenerate my soul.”

Staying Motivated and Inspired

Submergence by Magdalena

Magdalena draws inspiration from life, nature, and cities, staying motivated with her love for fashion and beauty. As you’re reading this, I want you to think about what motivates you. What inspires you to get up every day and tackle your to-do lists? What is that internal or external thing that lights your fire?

“Staying motivated feels effortless. I have always been a self-motivated person - I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t have that trait. Inspiration comes from everywhere - life, nature, cities. Yet, I am still a fashion girl at heart, and fashion/beauty will always be my greatest love and inspiration.”

Important Career Lessons and Handling Criticism

She believes that conflicts and discouraging situations fade with time, emphasizing the importance of moving past difficulties quickly and not taking things too personally. She also tackles criticism from clients in a very practical way. One of the strategies she employs is to remind herself that criticism is an opportunity for growth and improvement. Instead of getting defensive or upset, she takes a step back and evaluates the critique objectively. This allows her to identify potential areas of improvement and make necessary adjustments.

“It’s not that important”. Any conflict, any discouraging situation will fade with time. Move past difficult things quickly, don’t take things too personally, and always know that this too shall pass. Nothing in a career is that important after all.

It never feels good to get negative feedback, but I have learned to take things with a grain of salt. If a client complains about photos of themselves (which is extremely rare) I can break down the reasons behind the statement. If I am able to correct the situation, I will do my best to do so. I strive for perfection, but realize that no process or outcome is completely flawless.”

Incorporating Values into Projects and Staying Updated with Trends

Integrity and respect are Magdalena's core values, which she integrates into her work process to make clients feel welcome and at ease. She stays open to learning and adapts to technological advancements without following trends, focusing on a timeless approach to her work.

“My values are integrity and respect. I am upfront about the process of how I work. I do my best to treat everyone with the same approach and make them feel welcome and at ease. People are often stressed about getting a portrait taken, and the feedback I receive the majority of the time is: “That was easier than I thought!”

I am always open to learning. Technology is evolving quickly and I adapt as needed, either by updating equipment or learning new software. I don’t follow “trends” mainly because what I do requires a timeless approach. I stay open-minded, and I embrace change. The life of an artist is a continual work in progress.”

Impact of Mentorship

Having a mentor can provide invaluable guidance and support when embarking on a new endeavor. Whether it's a personal or professional pursuit, having someone to turn to for advice and guidance can make all the difference. It's important to identify individuals who possess the knowledge and experience you seek and are willing to offer their time and expertise. This could be a family member, friend, colleague, or even a professional mentor through a formal program. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help - you might be surprised at how willing and eager people are to share their wisdom and support your journey. Early in her career, Magdalena received valuable advice from mentors who influenced her approach to photography, particularly in understanding lighting setups and technical aspects.

At the beginning of my career, I was part of a shared photography studio with photographer and artist Gail Hill. She’s given me some great advice, mainly about the ups and downs of living an artistic career. A colleague of mine, Timothy Clarke, was crucial in demonstrating lighting setups and technical aspects of photography. He’s been instrumental in my understanding of light. I still ask his advice, especially when it comes to cameras and lenses.’

Looking Ahead: A Future of Possibilities

As Magdalena reflects on her journey so far, she remains focused on the future, with new projects and opportunities on the horizon. With a commitment to staying true to herself and her artistic vision, she continues to push boundaries and explore new creative avenues. For Magdalena, the journey is far from over, and the best is yet to come.

Advice for Aspiring Photographers

“The best thing you can do as a creator is work hard, be flexible, stay true to yourself, be real. You will have many ups and downs, it’s good to acknowledge that. No need to “fake it till you make it” - true character comes from failure, passion and humility. If something doesn’t work well right now, try another way - it eventually will.”

We ask each person we interview the same question: What's one thing you want people to know about you? We ask this question for one simple reason: sometimes you read these “success stories” and think it’s not you, or it can’t be you. You may think this person is in a different profession altogether, and you can’t relate, or this person is well educated, or this person lives in a part of the world where these things are possible. We tend to look for all the ways we’re different instead of all the ways we’re similar. We ask this question to let you know these people are real and human. Magdelena wants you to know, ‘I love music, love to dance. I must have been a dancer in another life.”

Magdalena's journey from fashion design to photography is a testament to the power of following your passion and embracing change. Her story is a reminder that it's never too late to pursue your dreams, even if it means making a drastic career shift. Her perseverance and dedication have built a successful photography career that aligns with her creative soul. Magdalena's story inspires us to reflect on our own passions and to take bold steps toward realizing them, regardless of the challenges we may face. As she continues to evolve in her career, Magdalena's journey is a source of motivation for anyone seeking to pursue their passions with determination and authenticity.

I hope you enjoyed reading this interview and learned something valuable from it. We want to thank Magdalena for sharing her story and her insights with us. If you want to see more of her amazing work, you can visit her website or follow her on Instagram. Thank you for reading this blog post. If you liked it, please share it with your friends and family.